Monday, December 29, 2008

Third Person Voyeurism

Film ourselves kissing. Film our reaction to watching ourselves kissing. Share the second film only.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Media and Subject

Ask a number of people from different departments at RPI whether they see the subject or the media itself as art (or both, or neither) for a small number of art-objects (potentially, photographs). Compile and present the results of the survey.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


How bare can you strip a conversation before it ceases to reflect any aspect of the original communication? What sort of accents and rearranging of words can you apply without disturbing the content? If you explain an idea to a bunch of people, how much will their impressions/understanding vary, and will the "average" impression reflect the original idea?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

lonely words

Find an online board or forum and search for various words within it. When you find a word that's never been used, post that word.

For GZ board:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Flash Tourism

Photos against a black background with titles of various tourist destinations: "The Pantheon", "Paris", etc. Each photo demands a different outfit; or, at least, a different hat.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

opening doors

Film people, either in still film or video, opening doors with keys. Film lots of different people. Film them being frustrated, being excited, being rushed, being bored, dropping their keys, trying to use the wrong keys, using the right key on the first try. Then, either:

1) Put all the pictures (or video) together in a collection for people to see as a unit
2) Tape a picture of someone else opening a different door next to every doorknob that you filmed.